Directia Generala de Politie a Municipiului Bucuresti
Calea Victoriei nr. 19, sector 3, Bucuresti
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Tel.: 021.315.35.34
Fax: 021.312.23.23
Serviciul Roman de Informatii - SRI
Tel.: 021.410.60.65
Fax 021.402.23.39
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Bd. Libertatii nr. 14 D, sector 5, Bucuresti
Programul de lucru cu publicul:
Luni, miercuri, joi, vineri intre orele 09:00 – 14:00
Marti intre orele 09:00 – 12:00 si 16:00 – 18:00
Inspectoratul General al Politiei Romane
Tel.: 021/208.25.25 - centrala
Str. Mihai Voda nr. 6, sector 5, Bucuresti, Romania
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Relatii cu publicul:
Tel./Fax: 021/316.66.55
Tel.: 021/208.25.25 int. 26117
Inspectoratul General al Jandarmeriei Romane
Str. Jandarmeriei nr. 9 -11, sector 1, Bucuresti
Tel.: 021.409.65.34; 021.409.60.26; 021.409.60.28
Fax: 021.319.80.41
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Inspectoratul General pentru Situatii de Urgenta - IGSU
Str. Banu Dumitrache nr. 46, sector 2, Bucuresti
Tel.: +40212086150
Fax: +40212420990
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